How to Build a No-Code AI Chatbot for Your Shopify Store

Emma Ke

Emma Ke

on February 26, 2024

9 min read


In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, offering personalized and instant support can set your Shopify store apart. An AI chatbot is not just a tool; it's your 24/7 customer support agent, salesperson, and marketing assistant rolled into one. Here's why your Shopify store needs an AI chatbot for customer services:

  • Instant Answers to Customer Queries: AI chatbots deliver on-the-spot responses to inquiries, enabling customers to find information swiftly without the hassle of navigating your site. This instantaneity fosters a frictionless user experience, encouraging continued engagement and exploration.

  • 24/7 Customer Support: Your AI chatbot acts as an ever-present customer service agent, ensuring no query goes unanswered, day or night. This constant availability minimizes the risk of losing customers due to unaddressed questions or concerns.

  • Personalized Product Recommendations: Through advanced understanding and analysis of customer interactions, AI chatbots can suggest products that meet specific needs or preferences, such as seasonal apparel or fitness gear, with accompanying images. These tailored recommendations surpass the capabilities of traditional filtering systems, enhancing the shopping experience.

  • Expansion to GPTs and Other Platforms: By becoming searchable via GPTs and accessible on platforms like WhatsApp, your store leverages new channels for discovery and engagement, amplifying your reach and drawing traffic from beyond the confines of traditional search engines and marketing efforts.

  • Automatic Updates from Your Shopify Store: AI chatbots can be programmed to automatically update their knowledge base with the latest products, promotions, and FAQs directly from your Shopify store, ensuring the information provided to customers is current, with zero manual intervention required.

  • Increased Traffic from GPTs: Integration with GPTs not only expands your store's discoverability but also positions your brand at the forefront of AI-driven search and interaction trends, potentially driving significant traffic and opening up new customer acquisition avenues.

  • Enhanced Brand Visibility and Influence: By offering a cutting-edge, responsive service through AI chatbots, your brand's visibility and influence in the digital marketplace are significantly enhanced, setting a benchmark for customer engagement and satisfaction.

  • Seamless Multilingual Engagement: Empower your global customer base with an AI chatbot capable of communicating in various languages beyond your Shopify site's default. This innovative tool not only understands but anticipates customer needs, offering personalized product recommendations and driving sales through inclusive, barrier-free interaction.

Incorporating an AI chatbot into your Shopify store is a strategic move towards not just elevating customer service, but also expanding your brand's reach and resonance in the digital age. By leveraging AI to provide immediate, personalized support and embracing new platforms for visibility, your store can achieve a competitive edge that drives growth and fosters customer loyalty.

To observe the final effect once the setup is complete, view the demonstration video on YouTube:

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding an AI Chatbot to Your Shopify Store

To guide you through creating an AI chatbot for your Shopify store without any coding, we've organized the process into detailed, easy-to-follow steps. This comprehensive approach ensures your chatbot is both effective and efficient, leveraging Chat Data to enhance customer service and extend your brand's reach to the GPTs store.

1. Setting Up Your Chat Data Account

Before diving into chatbot creation, ensure you're familiar with Chat Data. Set up your account and navigate to the correct tab for importing custom data. This preparation is crucial for a smooth integration with your Shopify store. You can refer to Creating Your Own Chatbot: A Non-Coder's Guide for setting up your Chat Data account.

2. Importing From Your Shopify Store

To begin integrating your Shopify store with your chatbot, select the custom_data_upload option. This enables you to seamlessly import your store's product catalog and corresponding inventory details directly into the chatbot's knowledge base, laying a solid foundation for its operations. For this process, you will need to provide your Shopify store name and an access token. To acquire the necessary access token, follow the detailed instructions in the Train by Products From Shopify Store guide. This initial step is crucial as it ensures your chatbot is well-informed about your product offerings from the get-go.

Shopify Store Products Import

If there are products you prefer not to include in the chatbot's database, you have the option to delete them. Once you're satisfied with the curated list, initiate the chatbot's training by clicking the Create chatbot button.

Moreover, if you're looking to enrich your chatbot's knowledge base with additional local data beyond your Shopify inventory, there's flexibility to do so. Refer to the Train Your Chatbot guide for instructions on importing a variety of data formats, including files, websites, videos, and plain text. This holistic approach allows for a more comprehensive training of your chatbot, ensuring it can provide informed and relevant responses across a broader spectrum of customer inquiries.

3. Customizing the Chatbot Appearance

Customize the chatbot widget to reflect your brand identity. This includes setting up the logo, brand name, suggested questions, product FAQ links, and choosing a background color that aligns with your company's branding.

Shopify Store Chat Interface

4. Configuring the Base Prompt

The foundation of your chatbot's interaction style lies in its base prompt configuration. Begin with our suggested template and customize it to incorporate features unique to your shop's requirements. This customization is vital for ensuring your chatbot delivers responses in a voice and manner that truly represent your brand.

Consider the following example as a starting point for your chatbot's base prompt:

You are a support agent for my online store. Please show the images as inline images to the customer. You will provide me with answers from the CONTEXT INFORMATION. If you cannot answer based on the CONTEXT INFORMATION, say exactly "Hmm, I am not sure." and stop after that. Please give the answer direcly and do not repeat the context in your answer.

Shopify Store Base Prompt

This approach guarantees your chatbot not only aligns with your operational ethos but also engages customers efficiently, maintaining a consistent and professional online presence.

5. Integrating with Shopify

Implement the chatbot into your Shopify store by adding the webhook URL of the created chatbot to Shopify's notification section. Follow the Shopify Webhook Synchronization Integration for step-by-step instructions on this integration. This enables automatic syncing of product updates and inventory changes to your chatbot's knowledge base.

Shopify Store Webhooks Integration

6. Whitelisting Your Domain

Make sure to include your Shopify store's domain in the chatbot's allowlist to seamlessly integrate the chatbot widget into your site. For added control, specify any URL paths you wish to exclude from the chatbot's presence in the disallow URL input box. This crucial step ensures that the chatbot is only active on relevant pages, offering uninterrupted 24/7 customer service. For a straightforward setup, consult the Add Chatbot to Your Shopify Store guide, which provides detailed instructions on embedding the chatbot widget on your Shopify website.

Shopify Store Domain Allowlist

7 Expanding to GPTs Stores

Elevate your brand's visibility by introducing your Shopify store to GPTs stores. This move requires a subscription to GPT-4-plus from OpenAI. For seamless integration, utilize the API endpoint${chatbotId}. This process allows you to tailor the GPTs' behavior, name, and description, ensuring they align perfectly with your store's branding. Once configured, launch your GPT to the public GPTs store, significantly boosting your brand's exposure and drawing potential traffic from the GPTs store directly to your Shopify site.

Here are some example settings that you can copy to get started:

Shopify Store Gpts Configuration

Below is a JSON schema for the API setup, designed to kickstart your integration process after clicking the Actions button above (Please replace the { chatbotId } in the script with your real chatbot id.):

  "openapi": "3.1.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "Get information from Shopify Store",
    "description": "Retrieve the product or store information of the Shopify Store in json format",
    "version": "v1.0.0"
  "servers": [
      "url": ""
  "paths": {
    "/api/v2/query-knowledge-base/{chatbotId}": {
      "post": {
        "description": "Get the product or store information of the Shopify Store in json format",
        "operationId": "GetStoreInfo",
        "requestBody": {
          "required": true,
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "query": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "The user query about the Shopify store, which could be either customer serivce query or product query.",
        "deprecated": false
  "components": {
    "schemas": {}

To initiate an API action call, the API Key can be selected as the authorization method. Ensure the Bearer token option is chosen, as illustrated below:

Shopify Store GPTs API Key

You can retrieve your Chat Data API key from the API Keys section on your account page.

Shopify Store Api KeyGen

Upon adjusting your settings, proceed to choose publish to Everyone and click the Save and Confirm button to ensure your Shopify Store GPTs are accessible in the public GPTs store. For an online clothing store, it is advisable to select the Lifestyle or Other category.

Shopify Store GPTs Submit

This enables users worldwide to discover and interact with your store through the GPTs platform, enhancing your brand's digital footprint and potential customer base.

Shopify Store Show In GPTs Store


In the evolving landscape of e-commerce, staying ahead means embracing innovative solutions that enhance customer service and drive sales. Chat Data's AI chatbot, integrated seamlessly with Shopify stores, is a testament to this. It's not just a tool; it's a strategic asset that transforms customer interactions through instant, personalized support in multiple languages. What sets this AI chatbot apart is its ability to harness the power of OpenAI's GPT models, enabling a sophisticated understanding of customer queries and needs. This integration is a bridge between the potential of GPTs and the tangible marketplace of your Shopify store, turning casual visitors into engaged customers.

The process of integrating Chat Data's AI chatbot with your Shopify store is straightforward, ensuring you can swiftly capitalize on its benefits. This technology is more than an upgrade to your customer service; it's a pathway to elevating your brand in the digital marketplace, promising enhanced operational efficiency and a significant boost in conversion rates.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Embrace the future of customer engagement with Chat Data's AI chatbot and watch your Shopify store transform from just another online shop to a thriving hub of satisfied customers. Start with a free account today and begin your journey towards redefining excellence in e-commerce.

Create Chatbots with your data

In just a few minutes, you can craft a customized AI representative tailored to yourself or your company.

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